Scientific Objectives. The thermodynamic state of the atmosphere and dynamics characteristics within and above the urban canopy are critical for the assessment and prediction of air quality, chemical hazards, human outdoor thermal comfort, and urban climate conditions. In addition to surface roughness variations, wind and turbulence respond to urban heat so that the enhanced buoyancy […]

“Heat and health in cities“ Scientific Objectives. Measurement plan. Labs and institutes. Project website:

Scientific Objectives. Measurement plan. Labs and institutes. Project website:

Scientific Objectives. Measurement plan. Labs and institutes. Project website:

The Research Demonstration Project « Paris 2024 »
The Research Demonstration Project « Paris 2024 RDP » is endorsed by the World Meteorological Organization, which is an institute from United Nations based in Geneva. This project is coordinated by Valéry Masson, researcher at Météo-France in the Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques (CNRM) in Toulouse. The goal of this international research project is to improve […]

Scientific Objectives. Measurement plan. Labs and institutes. Project website:

Scientific Objectives. Impact of sTress on uRban trEEs and on city air quality Measurement plan. Labs and institutes. Project website:

Scientific Objectives. Measurement plan. Labs and institutes. Project website:

Model and Observation forSurface-Atmosphere Interactions Scientific Objectives. Surface fluxes are the second leading cause of errors in weather and climate prediction models (WGNE, February 2019). One of the major difficulties, both for measurement and for numerical representation, is inherent to an extremely widespread characteristic of the earth’s surface: the surface is heterogeneous from several points […]

Scientific Objectives. ACROSS (Atmospheric ChemistRy Of the Suburban foreSt) is an integrative, innovative, multi-scale project, developed under the “Make Our Planet Great Again” (MOPGA) initiative. ACROSS is designed to improve knowledge of the chemical evolution of mid-latitude urban plumes when they mix with biogenic emissions from surrounding forested areas. One of the hypotheses of ACROSS […]